tit shirts, gangsta treadmill, salty biscuit with girls

Click these links below if you like to see a gansta get fucked up on a treadmill or a bunch of girls munchin in a circle...dang. I am sure there are some better tit shirts than the ones below, but this is monday and here you go, don't be bummed. LA sucks, they stomped the Magic at home. RIP Magic... gangsta-treadmill can_you_spot_the_difference [gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="2"] Texts from last night: "yeah my walk of shame consisted of driving on the wrong side of the road at 6am still drunk with cum drying in my hair and left eye" "I locked my keys in my car in front of planned parenthood. I'm terrified of going inside to ask to borrow a clothes hangar"

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