30+ hit up the Orlando heat and tennis courts in Orlando for the flatland gathering which is getting bigger and coming to a city near you. Bob Walter brought out his son and I brought my lil dude Cooper to show people we’re in this and the kids have fun chilling on and off their bikes. Get involved and lets get this bigger. Next one is at the end of the month, date to be announced soon. It was 80 degrees but everyone had no complaints since we all thought of the people in the snow and crappy weather, this is why we live here, for the winters…SEE MORE PICS HERE-Chad D Dope ass rail in South Tampa, portrait, table gap, and a wacky wonky rail. Getting it done in true Matt Coplon style. Who likes this Mat the Bat for a t-shirt? Matt just got on a Tom Villarreal LIFTED frame and set up, expect more of this to be going down real soon...damn this is good...damn. MATT CLOSSON - CALIFORNIA WINTER from Blunted Athletics on Vimeo. THIS IS BRUTAL Matt Closson from the Santa Ana Street Swarm. Getting out there and making it look good. Here is a few pics from France with Thomas Noyer, pics by Maxime Cassagne. Don't forget to check out his new TEAM PAGE set up which is up and ready for your eyes. Moment of ZEN
Dig site, Profile racing Florida trip, Thomas Noyer, Matt Closson, Chad DeGroot, Lee Musselwhite, Mario Kaluski
This is a few days late but as wise people say, better late than never. Stay wise and keep posted just because this is posted on Monday doesn't mean this Friday is going to be a dud. Don't be a dud, be a stud, read it all and enjoy the fruits of our labor. I am sick of trying to do an intro so check out the Profile escape tour pics and hit the link to see more on the DIG site. Lee Musselwhite is nuts...see why. Thomas Noyer is getting it done, shows, contests, and more. Chad D in public? Mat is a bat. Matt Closson, if you don't know that name you should know it. Mario from Germany hits you with an insane edit. Some Facebook surprises with some videos...check all of this and be happy. HOLLA. -Chad DMatt at Profile Racing organized a lil tour around Florida for the FLBMX series at one stop, Miami, Daytona, and more. Get on instagram and check this #profileescapeparktour and the @profile_racing and @digbmx to see WAY more pics and the story is coming soon. But for now hit up the DIG BMX page or Click HERE for the Gallery #1 to see the crew including Matt Coplon shredding.
Mario Kaluski checking in with a wild park edit with some gaps, hang 5 tech, and funny ass shoe clip at the end, check it.
Lee Musselwhite is now riding for Deco and his team page will be done shortly. Get excited about this cause he has some of the best tricks out and more to come...sit tight and know good things are coming.
Thomas Noyer is really happy 4th place pro at #abcflatland contest! Contrats to @vikigomezbmx @dezmaarsenbmx & @kevinnikulski for taking the podium! #abcflatland #decobmx #espritbmx Follow him on Facebook
Also check this to see what is the good stuff with Thomas Noyer killing it.