My family has a given nickname for one of my uncles and it got passed onto my older brother Paul which is "Digger". Very questionable its origin. But..when we were kids we loved to make fun of my brother and his pride for his nickname. He does have a big nose and he would dig it out all the time so it was a running joke that is how he got his nickname. Well it was time for him to get married and the whole family was there getting all hosed up and eating a formal dinner. Then it happened, the waiter, who is black, finally asked my dad why we all call a white boy "N*gger"? My dad couldn't stop laughing and all of us to, he had to tell him his nickname is Digger not the "N" word. On a side note my dad gave him a bag of Wisconsin cheese curds and he quickly became our best friend. So with all this racist stuff in the news from LA Clippers owner to the Washington Redskins, maybe this huge beef recall is getting pushed under the rug and stop using your meat gun to make jerky till we figure out what skin wall tires really mean and that all stereotypes mean something. START-Tom is insane with this 360 gap down stairs in camo attire. Chad D is working his house out for an edit coming soon. Lee and the phoenix whip video. Baco Jam, get there...tick tock its just around the corner. Also related is the Baco premier in the Big Easy so book a room and make sure to see the Voodoo Jam 10 years running. Thomas Noyer and the summer camp. Chad doing bmxtrickstars shows. Carlos in Malaga. Have a safe and long weekend bubs. -Chad DThis 360 is ridiculous. Trying to beat up his Lifted frame by @tomvillarreal and everything can take it. DAMN. @justinbuttsfilm pic @maderabmx ?#?decobmx? ?#?lifeislifted? ?#?tomknowsdeco? New 9.5 Lifted Tom Villarreal bars out soon.

Doing demos will keep you on your toes, specially when you have no idea where the location is going to be. Today it was understood it would be in Longwood at the Candyland park or skatepark. With a client hiring our team but having the show on the basketball courts made it awesome since it was open to the public, real close to the ramps at the skatepark, and a way for the locals to see us do our thing. With a flyer posted on the internet and a Sunday show date, we all decided to bring our kids to the demo to show them what we do. Even Scott Weaver showed up to have his daughter see what bmx is about, but he couldn't sit in the sidelines so he rode with Rob and me for the 30 minute demo. Rob really hasn't ridden his new show ramp so he was extra excited and threw down a 540 air and a ton of other jumps like turndown flip and whips. Since the surface was pretty damn good it makes for better riding and the vibe was awesome so I had a flawless run and even did a darkside with the help of an orange cone. Everyone had a great time and I do believe this was one of our better shows and rightfully so with a ton of legit riders, friends, and family in the crowd.
Pics by Kip Williamson: Mid darkside from hitchiker to on the back wheel. Backyard coasting in circles. And the father crew with kids. -Chad D
Carlos Vinuesa Malaga holidays
Carlos came over to malaga for a couple days just for hangout and ride different spots. But finally we decided to film a little edit. enjoy some steez nose wheelies!
Carlos Vinuesa Malaga holidays from Malakafornia Crew on Vimeo.
The Succubus Lite frames are in stock with Cheetah seats, seatpost clamps, rim strips, and 28mm FuForks with or without 990 tabs in black. CHECK HERE to get the good stuff and check the pics below and HERE to see more specs and details. Thanks for your support...-Chad D