Chowda...New Deco tees...Chowda...Coplon...DeGroot...TA cover...cosmic...woods...dirt jumps...Thomas Noyer interview...TSUTOMU WINS...instagram videos...chowda...there it is...enjoy...-Chad DChad in New England for Jam Chowder New tees just arrived all cosmic style and some super fine logo square style ones as well...only available HERE. While at Circuits Vic Bettencourts trails Chad had to borrow Matt Coplons bike and get a session it. Oppo table with a kick out by Coplon Downtown historic style in tight quarters doing a half decade on the pegs Chad D Tight quarters in Pawtucket doing an Ant spin Chad D No brake pressure abubaca with a kind Xup pressed against the sub at Jam Chowda Coplon by @doleckivisuals Coplon getting it in with a one foot table over the rail in Pawtucket by Mulville. Keeping the legend Darkside status alive at a famous spot with both hands getting dirty on the tires Chad D doing it for Matt Coplons camera. @chaddegroot warming up during the flat jam at #newenglandjamchowda this weekend. #flat #profileracing #freecoaster #shred Pic by @matt_coplon Front wheel decade and a hand spin behind the back style Photos by Coplon #newenglandjamchowda Pic by @bostonshawn TA cover boy, ya BOY. CONGRATS TO TSUTOMU FOR THE is a video of some bad ass riders including Tsutomu Kitayama Chanpru GAME 2014 BMX FLATLAND from 430 CREW on Vimeo. Coplon few pics in Providence with dubs on a sweet ledge, style on a tight tranny, and a dirt table on the spine at Vics trails. Great interview with THOMAS NOYER on the invite to the Battle in the Rockies contest. CHECK IT OUT and after his pic and after you check out the link above check out his 1 minute video that got him the spot invited. BMX UNION has a great photo spread from Jam Chowda and here is Chad D doing a bar dip...check all the pics and write up HERE. Moment of Zen