Cold USA, Villarreal, nipples, gatsby, TA, Bonds, Coplon 4, BMX, Coloradeco

The cold has really set in across the USA and the world. Now is the time for indoor skateparks, private flatland spots, or just move to south Cali, Florida, or southern states for the winter to keep on those two wheels. Damn its cold out right now as I am writing this from Coloradeco. So to start with Tom Villarreal on Alans backyard ramp with some clean lines and smooth style. TA is riding for Torque clothing and his new edit is incredible so check it below. Mat Olson almost shattered his nipples. And he is donating his teeth. Josh Eilken is an old sport on the great gasby yellow Self Titled Street frame. Matt Coplon has 4 pics below with great captions to spark your interest. Taylor Bonds is our only insta vid but its a really really good on. Take care of yourself and each other. -Jerry Springer
TOM VILLARREAL backyard paradise at Allan's with an ice on the steep side. Pic by Coplon Tom V. Ice Alans  
Check out my new Torque Clothing edit filmed and edited by mickey Gaidos. Super stoked on how this thing turned out. -Terry Adams
SHOP here for all your DecoBMX needs. Any questions hit up and for international shipping rates inquire as well. Thanks. Deco shop Nov   Enjoying one of the best states for free parks to session anytime @tbonds69 TAYLOR BONDS spreads his wings to show you how much he loves this park Coloradeco #decobmx Taylor Bonds spread wings cement park   JOSH EILKEN just received the Self Titled Street frame in Great Gatsby Yellow that features grind plates, room for 2.5 and more tires, and double gussets with logo. Also featured internal coating to prevent rust from the inside. More info here and get excited for 2015 colors. Josh Eilken and street frame yellow Found this years ago but always wanted to go back during the golden hour. Pipe bump to wall to roast. Pic by @scgsteve
Coplon Pipe Roast St. Pete
Found this road gap a couple months ago. Went to it alone and bailed. Then came back on Saturday with some buds and gave it a go. Thanks to @scgsteve for the pic.
Coplon Road Gap Hyde Park
Saw this out of the corner of my eye on Saturday next to a VFW hall. Root bump to grandfather oak. Pic by @scottehlert
Coplon Tree Fakie VFW
Narrow ledge ride to 90 degree acid drop on Saturday while avoiding the highway patrol. Pic by @scottehlert
Coplon Acid Drop Hyde park   MAT OLSON getting some shattered nipples riding outside in the cold. Pic by Alex hammet @lexbmx #decobmx Also Mat wanted to let you know he is giving away his teeth for the day, lucky winner, donation, don't need em? Mat Olson nipple shattered by Alex hammet
FL BMX 2015   And if your in Florida or want to go there check out the Sparkys Jam 10623865_651506301633011_1331023835410979176_o Moment of ZEN www.decobmx.comDeco-tally-counting-5-year-

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