Evolve Denver, DecoBMX camo pedals, BMX UNION, FlBMX, Baco Wisconsin, #decobmx

No frills just chills. Thomas Noyer might work full time but he got in the ABC jam and some great pics from Maxime. Congrats to podium Mat Olson, Nic Bonner, and AJ at Evolve. Take another look at Mat Olson crazy bridge ride. Tsutomu signature JACKPOT frame in production and landing summer 2015 in raw clear gold, raw clear blue, and matte army green. Four styles of camo in the new deco PC pedals to fill all your needs. Baco crew has done it again, this time Wisconsin film festival two prime time showings of the Documentary. FL-BMX series in Abacoa pics are up on BMX Union. Mat Olson can flair anything. And your instavids for the week with: Taylor Bonds, Chad D, Wade Lajlar, Matt Closson, Chad D, and Tom Villarreal. Go spring your break...holla...-Chad D
Thomas Noyer pics from Maxime Cassagne shot at ABC flatland contest. So much style, great pics, hard tricks as always. Follow Maxime @maxcassagne and Thomas @thomasnoyer click on each pic to enlarge. Thomas Noyer abc 2015 @maxcassagne Thomas Noyer ABC 11 @maxcassagne Thomas Noyer ABC 6 by @maxcassagne Thomas Noyer ABC 2015 2 @maxcassagne Thomas Noyer ABC 7 @maxcassagne Congrats to AJ, Nic, and Mat Olson for tops in Blood n Guts in Denver. 10904413_10206281092051375_1290493786061937140_o Take another look at MAT OLSON and the bridge ride... Here is my bike, I like it...a lot. Tsutomu Kitayama Tsutomu Signature JACKPOT frame coming soon. #decobmx and thanks to -Chad DeGroot Chad DeGroots bike   We have chosen to learn from the past and roll the clock back the the beginning. Filled with chromoly axle goodness and loaded with the plastic freshness expected from a quality 10 pin plastic pedal. Move over black and clear, even a person who notices nothing will notice Snow Camo, Desert Camo, Army Camo, and Jungle Camo. $23.99 at finer retailers or http://decobmx.bigcartel.com ? Deco Camo PC pedals buy now tab  
This is huge news for us...Baco in the Wisconsin film festival two showings. This is fucking crazy.
And also the flyer below.
These showing times and to have TWO is pretty incredible...damn were excited about this...
Chad D
Inline image 1
Fl-BMX series at Abacoa just went down and Josh Mcelwee shot some great pics. Deco's Matt Coplon hit the 2nd place mark and Chad D close behind with 3rd place in 30+.  Check them all out HERE.
MAT OLSON shredding @evolveasp in Denver with this wild one right heeeeaw. @matuptobat
Mat Olson flair Evolove bank
Upcoming events and where and what you need to follow: Bring your own bike series    Great American Ride Fest 2014_FLBMX_FlyerV2-624x624  
MATT CLOSSON NuGz. Up ledge back mannie and 180 smith to smith @mattclosson #DECOBMX A video posted by @decobmx on
Moment of Zen
  www.decobmx.comDECObrandofyear2014 decobridge-2

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