Bikes Over Baghdad, Chad DeGroot, Tom Villarreal, Mat Olson, Thomas Noyer Bday, Profile Z Coaster, @DECOBMX
by Chad DeGroot
Sorry for the slump in updates and for this one going more towards one person but the instavids will really show you some nuts things went down these past few weeks. Happy Bday to Thomas Noyer. Congrats to Mat Olson. Tom Villarreal drifting on a bike. Chad D and crew in the middle east undisclosed locations video. Trails, DIY spot, Lee linking two crazy tricks in to one link. The list goes on...scroll down to check them all out and know the online store is back up and prebooking the Profile Z Coaster to ship on April 29th. Have a good one bubs, enjoy the weather as it is warming up all over, and that means its time for GAME ON. #decobmx @decobmx -Chad D
April 2015 crew of BMX riders went to the middle east to undisclosed locations in Southwest Asia and Africa to entertain the troops for 15 days. Here is a small sample of what went on, how the troops reacted, how the crew entertained themselves, and bringing BMX to the Middle east in the big sandbox.
Follow the B.O.B. crew below:
Catfish @catfishvsthug Mykel Larrin @mykellarrin Anthony Napolitan @anthonynapo Drew Dezanson @drewbezanson Chad DeGroot @chaddegroot Chad Kagy @chadkagy Brian Kachinksy @bkachinsky Ron Kimler @livewireconstruction Nate Wessel @wesselbuilt TJ Lavin @tjlavin Morgan Wade @texasmwade Keith Mulligan @mulligan4130 Zach Schauf @zachschauf Christain Schauf @christianschauf @armedforcesent @dkbicycles @texaspetesauces @torquebmx @torque1_net @decobmx #decobmx #bikesoverbaghdad
Filmed by: Chad DeGroot, Catfish, Brian Kachinsky, Chad Kagy, Nate Wessel, Zach Schauf, Keith Mulligan, Anthony Napolitan, TJ Lavin
Special thanks to:
Dan the man
All the Troops
Punch Train
Digger DeGroot
Film by: @decobmx #decobmx by Chad DeGroot @chaddegroot @profileracing #profileZcoaster
Cover of a Chicago publication Red Eye thanks to Nate Nathan Wessel @wesselbuilt the quick on the spot set up of a wedge up to a Russian bulldozer on Bikes Over BAGHDAD trip @bikesoverbaghdad #bikesoverbaghdad @wesselbuilt and pic by Brian Kachinsky @bkachinsky @profileracing #pbte @chaddegroot #decobmx see more video and pics here
Profile Racing’s Z-Coaster, now we have two videos featuring Chad DeGroot explaining how the Z-Coaster works! There’s also some flatland riding from Chad putting the hub to good use to go with it. Release date the end of April 2015. Get excited.
All these instavids are insane. Check them out below...