Hurricane IRMA sucked...but this weeks post does not...Fully packed and stacked so dig right in and enjoy. Thank you...and always #decobmx so we can see what your up to. -Chad D
August 2017 Vids
Working on a new video DecoBMX A-Z TRICKIONARY. Comment below and help us out to fill in the letters we do not have yet...or your suggestions...and even new trick names. Even do these with #decobmxAZ and we will take a look. #decobmx #bmx @matuptobat
A - alley oop/
B - Barspin
C - crankflip
D - decade
E - endo
F - Flair
G - gyrator
H - heel clicker
I - Indian air
J - jack hammer
K - kneelie
L - lawn mower
M -
N -
O - oppo
P -pendulum
Q -
R - revert
S - superman
T - tree frog
U - un turndown
V - Vader
W - whiplash
X -Xup wallride
Y -
Z -
Mowing up on a Tuesday! @matuptobat
Can not be more thankful to have been in the finals at #voodoojam this past weekend. The event was created to present #flatland in a way that shows how rad it is. Thanks to @scottobmx@redbull and everyone involved that helps make this event so special! Of-course all my other sponsors that pitched in as well! -@terryadamsbmx
Such good memories of #LVRspot in #koln this summer! Pic from @melissazucchiatti @thomasnoyer
Still no power here in Tampa with minimal internet but I'll take that over a smashed house. Good to not be cooped up this week...back on the solo sessions.
Set up the camera, pedaled through a bunch of dried, washed up seaweed and snapped this tree ride overlooking Tampa Bay.
So thankful you're still here. -@matt_coplon
Upcoming events:
Etnies premier at Mr. B's 7pm Friday then Soft Opening of SwampWood Skatepark 8-11pm
This was sorry. Long live BACO. We will be back...