Here it is, all his info for your enjoyment. This is his link to see what  your getting into. This is his phone # so you can text or call him and give him some attention: 415-233-3741 *67 him first so he doesn't know who you are or know you number. Otherwise become friends. Good friends. Talk a lot. Go on his radio it all. Live the dream. Talk about funny stuff since he is a comedian. One of his best jokes is how he fingered a dog and made him cry. Here is all the info for his radio show. I went on this and got into a fight with some sidekick douche. Pretty funny regardless. The show is called to "The Edge Of Insanity" On Sundays from (4-6pm Pacific standard) (7-9pm Florida Time) To listen live it's kinda tricky: Go to : Then: they click the listen live link for studio 1A. Then: click the windows or I-tunes media player or what ever.(The show should actually stream through the player) Studio Hot Line: 415-513-5239

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