Cheetah, NBA, VOODOO, DeGroot, BMX bowling, 180, NEW, Fathers

You kidding me? Another Friday post and this morning I woke up and thought there wasn't going to be enough. What a dumb ass I  am. Actually there is plenty after looking so make sure and put your seat belt on for this one. Have to skip right to TA and Mat doing game 4 NBA halftime show. Even if you don't like basketball BMX is so rad its highlighted and to bring Morgan Wade in there as well you can't go wrong. New order is here so grab a towel to clean up your fluids. You will want all of this. Found TJ, he disappears but I got him to do a Cheetah promo. BMX bowling? Why not. Tsutomu pre jam and highlights edits. Links, click them. Mat's teeth, or what he has left. Tom Villarreal likes or dislikes bonk 180's to his back. I have shit to do, gotta go...have a great Fathers day all you motherfathers. Keep it real. Look how you want to be seen. Do it cause you want to. Keep up to date on our facebook and instagram. We do take submissions so keep it real and send us your bragging pics. Make them top heavy if you know what I mean. -Father Chad D New Cheetah FAT seat with kevlar sides and tail out NOW. TJ Degroat truck to bar on the CHEETAH. #tjknowsdeco #decobmx Chad DeGroot hitchhiker to strike at the late night bowl. #chadknowsdeco #decobmx #profileracing Ever dream of riding your bike in a Bowling Alley? Me neither, but how could one possibly pass up an opportunity to ride ON BOWLING LANES. They definitely weren't the easiest things to ride in the world, but it was awesome regardless. Thanks to my good friend James Harvey we got a chance to shred the lanes for one night and one night only. It was sweet to meet a legend like Chad Degroot and we all had a blast riding. There was a lot more great riding that went down, especially on the rail, but not everything was filmed. It was more of a photoshoot rather than a filming session, so be sure to follow all of us on instagram when the pictures are posted. @adam_LZ @ChadDegroot @James_Farty @mrbikesnboards I worked really hard editing/color correcting every clip so please hit the "like" button if you enjoyed the video. Filming by Keaton Aspuru Song - Smoke & Mirrors by RJD2 Thanks River Lanes for letting us do our thing! Voodoo Jam this year had the biggest pro turnout of any US contest in recent history. The riding and energy level were out of this world, and I tried to capture some of that. Stay tuned for part 2/3 of the Voodoo Jam 2013 official edits, which will be AM highlights. Music by Karl Kunz, Purity Ring, and Culprate. Voodoo Jam 2013 Pro Highlights from Global Flat on Vimeo. Tsutomu Kitayama | Voodoo Prejam 2013 Tsutomu Kitayama | Voodoo Prejam 2013 from robpossible on Vimeo. New order is here with LIFTED bars, 22mm mid BB kit, purple HS, pc pedals with metal pins, softer grips, and 3 new seats...check it. BMX BOWLING   HERE ARE SOME LINKS TO CHECK OUT. Deco team riders are getting it done son. Calling The Shots With Mark Mulville & Matt Coplon: Crooked World BMX On vacation in Tampa stopped by @profile_racing to show off my #sunpocket face and my @powerbar body no shoes sorry @etniesbmx #decobmx #florideco #chadknowsdeco Mat kept his teeth in long enough to chill with the Spurs chicks at Game 4 of NBA finals doing the halftime show. Would you? #matknowsdeco TA knows NBA game 4 halftime show. Tremaine Stewart checked in with this pic, so simple but meaningful. Keep it simple. #coloradeco #tremaineknowsdeco

Tom Villarreal - Nose Bonk 180 The Spine

And your moments of ZEN

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