Cock day in Japan...Chad on Jerry Springer episode...most annoying man...Gay+Gay=?
by Chad DeGroot
I always thought Scotty Freeman was gay. That old school flatlander on Skyway. Then I heard all English dudes were, they would play a game called salty bisquit. This would be a cracker on the ground in the middle of 3 or more dudes all jacking off, the last one to cum on the cracker had to eat it...good fun I guess.
No one ever called us (Baco guys) out, they just thought we were fucked in the head but couldn't look away. Always wanted to know what was next.
When we came out with Baco5 called homosexuals, they could have stirred shit up, or Baco 7 pride. That one included a rainbow sticker which no one at the time knew what it meant. One month we had those rainbow stickers on a cover of Plus and Ride. The Plus issue we had 6 pages where we could see the colors, and that same month of Ride we had over 13 pages of dudes rocking our stickers cause they though it represented Baco. Even our duplicators thought we were selling a shit ton of videos cause they saw that sticker on cars all over. We told them that is was the symbol of gay pribe and they kinda freaked out, we didn't get a re-order.
The worst case was when Mark Hilson wrote a seriously graphic letter to me about being "in" each other and wild gay shit, but he put it under my moms xmas place mats for the dinner table. When she found that shit and my dad read it as well shit hit the fucking ceiling. My dad lost a lot of sleep and wondered what he did wrong. He finally sat me down and we had a long talk. I told him i was banging girls and we act all gay and we end up getting tons of ass. He kinda understood but in the back of his mind he was blown away at the letter, which is seriously fucked up. That is some bad shit that i wish my parents never read. Fucking Hilson is on the wall with gayness and I think he is as gay as his options. I personally like women, am married with child, but don't get upset when i find out about people being gay. My Sister-in-law just got married to another woman. I found out some people in the sport are gay. That Nasty interview on Defgrip is funny and all Nasty kinda shit, but he bags the shit out of gay dudes and can't see how it could be like that. I bet he has kissed some dudes or felt some sweaty dudes leg. Shit, don't we all at some point?
We got in Jerry Springer acting to be gay and picking up women. That didn't go good at all with my dad as well, but he now can see the humor that is in and around my life. We do wild shit all the time, when in Rome, right?
Now the whole Mcgoo thing, shit. I heard him trying to get a pool of money together at interbike a few years back. This is how it went. He was bummed that you can win an award like Nora cup and not get any money. So he decided that if everyone would chip in, he would put a guys dick in his mouth and donate that money to the winner. I think it was when Nasty was up for dirt jumper or something ironic like that. Not sure what ever happened, sure as shit he went ape shit like he does each year and we didn't see him for a year. But I don't think he ever did it, but that is some funny ass shit. I am pretty sure he wouldn't insert a dick in his mouth in front of everyone, or would he?
Straight in '98?
There is a guy that lives near me that was tagged as "The most annoying neighbor" and he wants people to "Kiss his ass". This guy rules, CLICK here to see the video of his front yard. He also drives around with a statue of an ass strapped to his trailer...fuck ya this guy is gay.
Japan is one of the wildest places in the world. Those crazy Japanese are always up to something. Who would have guessed there was a parade and celebration of the penis? Shoe-G where the hell are you?
Guess which one is Nasty? Hilson? Mcgoo? James? Harry Balls? Brumlow? Bob Haro? Greg Smee? Ron Bonner? and the last one from the right is John Paul Rogers...if you count right, there is one more, guess who the fuck that is?
"I act gay to pick up women" Chad DeGroot on Jerry Springer from chad degroot on Vimeo.
A Complete List Of Every Gay Person In BMX.