Father's Day Weekend
Father's day weekend was sweet. A friend of mine told me about making it the whole weekend. Why didn't I think of that? Here's how it goes. Friday counts, Saturday, and obviously Sunday. but if your trying to push it you might even get a Thursday out of it. If you ever get up off the couch and do something, here is your chance to not have to do that. Beer, check. TV, check. Massage, check. You name it, and it lasts for days. It really helps if you have another father next to you egging you on the whole time. Also helps cause sometimes you run out of ideas and your fellow father can bring light to the situation. I mean, its father's day weekend right? Holla all dads and who are trying to get but don't know it.
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Keep it real, have Godzilla hug your back for Father's Day.
I have never really been a fan of forums, but I did join this one...get some