Mario Kaluski is from Germany representing All Ride BMX and Deco.
AGE: 28

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Follow Mario on instagram @schellschuh

When did you get into riding?
I really got into it in 2002, but I bought my first bike in 2001, but didn't really use it until I found out about a skatepark in my hometown. I rode there for two years by myself, then I met some riders from Braunschweig and moved there.
What were your influences back then?
I think Olly's "fake riding" influenced me the most.
What do you like to ride the most?
I like to ride bikes the most, no matter what kind. But BMX is the best.
What do you do besides riding?
I'm doing an apprenticeship to become an engineer. In my free time I like to be on the water, either kayaking or wakeboarding. When it gets cold, I hit the slopes on my snowboard. Sometimes I'll also ride a little trial, but only when my BMX is broken.
What was the highlight of your BMX career so far?
Going to the Mellowpark in Berlin and getting props for my riding, even though I didn't enter the contest.
Where do you like to ride?
I like the spots in Oldenburg and Bremen. I don't really know, though, there is still so much I need to see,
Tell us something about your special training methods.
Well, the special training you are referring to involves getting drunk on the weekend. I might have practiced some tricks naked in the past. Those times are over, fortunately.
What do you like about your local scene?
There are a ton of kids coming up. They are ripping hard, probably due to the light bikes they are riding these days. I should give them my heavy bike from back in the day - they would go down in flames. The only bad thing about my scene is that there are hardly any riders left at my age and I only get to ride with them only now and then.
What kind of music are you into?
I don't know, there is so much good stuff.
Any thanks?
Daniel Petr, Markus Wilke, the AllRide team, Stefan Küppel at Elkline and of course Christian Ziegler at Alliance.