One Love, Deener, Japan Deco., Full pipe, Chewbacca, new for 2012...ya boy
by Chad DeGroot
The ONE LOVE guys are always doing it big, love you guys. Over 100 riders We got Deener so you will be hearing from him real soon. He is our new sales rep. Send him your demands on his email listed below. Eugene is full of spray paint and ideas for his car, slam those 40oz's son. Japan is in the house, new tees coming soon and check out the sweet Deco. logo written in traditional Japanese writing. TV in LA and Mike Meister ya DAWG...
The 2nd annual OneLoveJam went down at Zuma Beach this year. Thanks to everyone who made it out this year. Big thanks to all our sponsors!
Click on the link below for the photo gallery by ESPN.
We will see you next year!
Deener is our new Sales rep for DecoBMX, hit him up to open your shop up for 2012 or get some fine ass Deco. goods in your area. Can't find a dealer hit up our Dealer page. Holla at
Two By Four's Eugene hitting his ride hard with the spray paint...ya ya
Traditional Japanese Deco. writing...woop
Mat Olson has been shredding hard, found this full pipe and getting some clips. Edit is on the way. Stay tuned.
Chewbutta, remember him?
Get here and attend this event, they are doing good things.
Mat Olson Flair the channel man. Ya Bro.
The new whip for 2012. Chad DeGroot hitting it soft.
No shoes, no brakes, no service...
Tom V nose wheelie good man, going all LA on us.
Mike Meister YA DAWG
Tom V. Hitting the mountains and the trees.