I don't care what you think, this video is so true and open for a lot of possibilities. You snooze you loose. Rolled past this empty pool the other day, occupied house and everything. Walked up to it and it could have been the sweetest set up. So I made plans with two other guys to hit it up monday morning hoping the people were working folk. Rolled past the front and "yes" they were gone. As we walked up the hose made my heart sink. They must have turned it on the night before, cause I was there. It was ready to go. Dreams shot. One in a  million. No worries... Cannonball from California is a place. on Vimeo. Some of them are full of black water. Others have become graveyards for old lawn furniture and rodent carcasses. They are shaped like jelly beans and manufactured by companies named Sunny Side and Champagne. Once upon a time, Fresno was the California Dream. Own a car. Own a house. Own a pool. Everyone wanted it and the wonderful world of credit made it all possible. But now, with the foreclosure monster running wild, the dream is dry. Thousands of pools are festering in the hot Central Valley sun. For most people this is tragic. But for some, it’s an opportunity. This video below if from our Cali trip and to Fresno. We went to one of the pools in the above video, but there is an endless search and work to be done to get more ready for the sesh. Get some and let me know. Will ride anywhere...holla Profile Cali Pool trip from Chad DeGroot/Deco. on Vimeo.

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