Sorry for the down time

We are back up and trucking. Sorry ya'll for the down time. It sucked, and its pretty much not over yet. Hackers can suck it. Thanks to Mr. Grub himself for all the help and crap that it took to get the site back rolling. Click on his tab on the right...BMX GRUB. This is the first post back and there are a lot of events coming up, so check all the flyers and hit them up if your in their areas and support sum... This is a new RB event, check out the line up at the bottom of the flyer. I have been building and working on this project for 5 months now. Its pretty sweet RB is putting up the dates and locations. Usually its pretty top secret.  So if your in the area stop out and see us with two tug  boats pushing our barge around Ft. Lauderdale and Miami area. Ramps on a barge. Shit. Get out and come see us. Its coming up really soon. Dustin Griess's buddy fell and got hurt pretty bad, no insurance either. So they put on this little benefit to help out. I know this event has passed already, but holla at those crazy Minnesota dudes. Joe West is Stupid. Holla at Anthem Premier. We had ours this past weekend and the video is insane. For sure get out the Joe's warehouse and see one of the most anticipated videos of the year. Don't forget to check out some quality  Deco. products at his coffee and bike shop called The Hub. Wouldn't be Deco. without some spankin material...don't drop the soap, or do drop the soap

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