NOTE: The following intro might make it sound like this is only interesting if you have some connection with BMX, but I can assure you that’s not the case. Everyone can learn something by reading this, so be sure to check it out: The name “Chad Degroot” may not be one which you’re familiar with, but in BMX circles it’s a name that’s been synonymous with progression and determination to get cool things done for over twenty years. Known by many as one of the most unique technical BMX riders around (as well as one of the most versatile), Chad doesn’t – and never has – limited himself to just progressing on a BMX bike. And although Chad might cringe at what I’m about to say next, it’s the truth, ask anyone: without him and the tight group he rode with during the 1990s — when BMX went through probably its biggest technical-tricks revolution — BMX would never have evolved to become what it is today. Back then, I was just starting out myself, and Chad’s flatland skills alone blew my mind. After that he went on to ride ramps as well as anyone, and use his numerous tech-skills to full advantage on street, ramps and in even more videos… THIS SOUNDS AWESOME, TAKE ME TO THE INTERVIEW!
The Dedication Interview
So I get hit up on facebook to do an interview. I didn't say no at first, then I get the questions from Chris Pink from England and I am more than happy to give him some answers. The questions were directed mainly around bmx but how it applies to my normal life. I try to answer the best I can but my mind is going nuts cause the questions are sweet and I have a lot to talk about. Thanks Chris, holla at me anytime. Also if you want to read more on the Gallery of Lost hit him up. -Chad D