Tosh.o, Mat Olson shows, Kerry Gatt, Mr. Filth, Deco., Mike Meister, Taylor Bonds, Chad DeGroot, Trails Jam, and PHX got mad Deco.

This week is getting big for this post, we had to do it early cause there is so much shit going on. Sit back, put on your reading glasses, pour your glass full of whisky, rolly polly, get lifted, and play some Skynard man.
Tosh.o doesn't ever let down, finally posted one banger. Watch it a few times. Japan has been kicking some ass and Deco has a grassroots gem, check the edit. The new "Grab Some" tee if out and it feels right. Mat Olson is still on his motorcycle trip somewhere in Texass. Mr. Filth checked in from Arizona and shows that PHX has mad Deco. Kerry Gatt is rocking the V2 Succubus. Chad is Rad. Taylor Bonds has a sweet edit from winter sessions in Coloradeco. Get into this, get excited, are you excited?

Tosh.0 Get More: Tosh.0 Videos,Daniel Tosh,Web Redemption

Mat Olson just before a school show, check that seat, so good.

Kerry Gatt on his new whip. Check out his BIO and interview on his TEAM PAGE.

Four locos decos

Mr. Filth himself tire grab, check out his TEAM PAGE.


When the most important, it was interrupted to sudden rain,
but many famous riders of the Kansai
suburbs gathered and enjoyed the DECO day.  

NEW Deco. tee "Grab Some" now out and available HERE

Tag shit up and send it my way, wanna see your Deco tag art.

The Profile team (consisting of Mike Saavedra, Jared Eberwein, Mark Mulville, Mike Meister, Ricky Mosley and Matt Coplon) spent a week out on the West Coast to meet new people, have a good time and come back with something to show for it all. With a crew like that, you know they easily reached all of their goals. If you want more, check out a photo gallery from the trip on The Union.

Taylor Bonds winter sessions in Colorado Trail City Jam is coming up, get your camping and stamping gear all ready. Profile Racing new ad in Ride BMX, this is a foam board they made for the QBP frostbike. Check out Japan's Teng Meng  

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